niedziela, 26 maja 2024

I love you Mummy!

 As  the day in the calendar sets aside for appreciating everything our mums do for us, it’s worth wondering: when did we start celebrating Mother’s Day? Surprisingly, the UK and US Mother’s Day traditions have completely different origins.

In the UK Mother’s Day is always held on the fourth Sunday of the Christian festival of Lent.

The custom came about  because this was traditionally when those who had moved away for work would come back and visit their ‘mother church’ and their own mothers, which is also why we often refer to it as Mothering Sunday.

 In the USA, Mother's Day is held on the second Sunday of May.

The celebration  started when an activist called Anna Jarvis held a service in May 1908 to honour the sacrifices individual mothers made for their children. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill officially establishing the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

When do other countries celebrate the day?

Many other countries celebrate Mother's Day at different times of the year.

Australia, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and Belgium all use the second Sunday in May as the date for celebrating mothers.

But in Mexico, and many parts of Latin America, Mother's Day is celebrated on 10 May each year, with Mexicans marking it via the "Día de las Madres" every year.

In the Middle East, the celebration first started in Egypt in 1956. It is now celebrated on the first day of spring.

Meanwhile in Thailand, Mother’s Day is always celebrated in August on the birthday of the current queen.

In Poland there is a fixed date for Mother’s Day – 26th of  May every year since 1914, when it was first celebrated in Kraków.

How do Poles celebrate this special occasion?

This heart-warming holiday  spread very quickly and became a nation-wide celebration of the effort mothers put into bringing up their children.

 Women in Poland, like many women across the globe, need to combine and balance their professional development  with family life.    

Polish children are encouraged to make DIY gifts for their mums and the most popular one is a handmade greeting card, a small gift  or a lovely picture. They usually depict flowers, hearts, butterflies, etc.  

Usually schools and kindergartens prepare special performances for mothers, sometimes for practical purposes merged with Father’s Day celebrations.  They may include song recitals, talent shows, short plays and so on.  

Mother's Day is also a day to honour other mother figures, such as grandmothers, stepmothers and mothers-in-law. Grateful children make a special effort to visit their moms. They take cards and gifts to her and may treat her to brunch, lunch or afternoon tea in a cosy cafe.  

Common Mother's Day gifts are specially decorated cakes, flowers, chocolates, jewellery and some clothing items available in many stores, which even offer nice discounts on that dayJ.    

How do you show your MUM that you love her?????



You may also enjoy …. Sing along for your MUMMY!

wtorek, 16 maja 2023



1. Preparation process.

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand the benefits of starting early. Leaving the preparation for the last moment will only backfire and result in added stress.

Set up a timetable to manage the time effectively.  

2. Organise your space for study.

Creating nice vibes is more important than anything else. It is easy for you to get bored within minutes of starting the preparation. Similarly, distraction is yet another issue with students.

Start by organising the study area. Keep it as organised as possible with minimal distractions. Keep the smartphones, video games and other devices away while you are at the desk studying. Also, ensure there is good light in the room, with some appliances to help you focus (a comfortable armchair, your favourite mug with tea or latteJ, cosy slippers and so on).


3. Arrange for the old papers to practice.

Practising and reviewing old exam papers is one effective way of preparing for exams. It not only familiarises you with the format of the exam paper but helps you manage the time while answering the tasks. Don’t forget about your English materials (Warto utrwalić… ), including important expressions, typical exam vocabulary and exceptions as well.


4. Create study goals.

It is important to have a study goal for each study session. This helps in tracking what needs to be studied and what needs to be revised.


5. Organise study sessions with friends.

Another thing you can do to boost your exam preparation is by organising study sessions with a school friend.

It will allow you to share and get answers to challenging concepts.  

But, it is important to ensure that you don’t waste your time and instead focus on preparing!

6. Choose your learning style.

No two people are the same, meaning their learning styles will differ, too. You need to understand what learning style suits you best. For instance, do you find yourself listening to music a lot? If yes, then it seems you are an auditory learner.  

If you prefer visual aspects, introduce visual learning sessions. 

The notion behind acquiring a learning style is to make it easy to memorise facts and key concepts better.

7. Take regular breaks.

Studying for hours doesn’t necessarily make the session productive; instead, it just does the opposite. You may run out of energy to actually retain any knowledge.

Therefore, it is important to take breaks every now and then. This is not only important to retain the information but to freshen up the mind, too.

 And don’t forget to decide what hour of the day works best for you. Some students prefer studying at night, while others feel productive early in the morning.

8. Overcome laziness while studying.


Laziness is a common syndrome that most people suffer from. Sometimes being lazy and procrastinating the work is totally understandable.

But this syndrome sometimes seriously affects schoolwork, daily chores and even hobbies and especially causes major problems for students. 

Lack of motivation is one of the most common reasons why students are reluctant to study. Finding the right kind of motivation is the key factor.

Therefore, you need to consider the advantages of studying, such as passing an exam and receiving great grades, receiving praise from the teacher, when you receive the ideal score actually seems good enough for a progression in the student's performance.


The simplest method to quit being lazy is to start working. And it should always be kept in mind that it's one of the most significant things one can do to advance in life and achieve success.

9. Prevent yourself from cramming information.

Never force yourself to stay up all night to cram the information into the mind. This only leads to anxiety and stress. This is especially true a day before the exam.

A day before the exam, the revision should be limited to reviewing the notes, testing oneself on the main concepts, setting the alarm, and gathering the study materials.

Last but not least, remember to seek help whenever required, whether it is asking friends, parents or teachers for things that are out of understanding for you.

10. Stay optimistic….

                          and never ever give up!!!

poniedziałek, 5 grudnia 2022

Let’s become volunteers!


‘Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What’s in it for me?’ ~ Brian Tracy

Ludzie sukcesu zawsze szukają okazji do niesienia pomocy innym. Nieudacznicy zawsze pytają: „A co ja będę z tego mieć?”


‘The more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.’ ~ Brian Tracy


Im bardziej doceniasz innych, tym więcej uznania wróci do ciebie. Im bardziej pomagasz innym, tym bardziej oni będą chcieli Ci pomóc.


‘We can't help everyone, but anyone can help someone’ ~ Ronald Reagan

Nie możemy pomóc wszystkim, ale każdy może pomóc komuś


 Who are volunteers?

There are people who voluntarily and without remuneration provide help, engage in work for people and institutions operating in various areas of social life. They can be found, among others, in orphanages, hospices, nursing homes, museums and animal shelters. They work in public institutions, non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, sports and many others.

How can you become a volunteer?

Anyone over the age of thirteen can be a volunteer (at a younger age you can participate in groups, e.g. under the supervision of a teacher). You can work in non-governmental organizations (foundations and associations) and public institutions (e.g. libraries, museums).


Helping vocabulary:

 offer (some help) – zaoferować (pomoc)

accept – zaakceptować

decline – odmówić

thank somebody – podziękować

with no remuneration – bez wynagrodzenia

support – wspierać

donate – ofiarować

be grateful/thankful – być wdzięcznym

Phrases offering to help others:

 Can I get you something (some coffee, some water etc.)?

 Shall I help you with … (your project, homework etc.)?  

Would you like to … (drink some coffee, have a walk)?  

Do you want me to have a look … (at your project etc.)?  

I’d be glad to help (e.g. you with the preparation)…  

I’d be happy to assist you(e.g. with your research)

What can I do for you?  


Responses related to accepting aid from others:

 Yes, please, I’d love to.

If you wouldn’t mind.

Thank you, that would be great!

It’s so kind of you!

I’d appreciate that.

Thanks a million! :)

środa, 22 czerwca 2022



When is Father’s Day?

Father's Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries around the world on different dates. In Poland, it is always celebrated on June 23rd.  

History of Father's Day

In the USA, the first noted Father's Day celebration was held on July 5th 1908, in Fairmont, West Virginia. It was first celebrated as a church service at Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South, now known as Central United Methodist Church.

It is said that Grace Golden Clayton suggested the service to the pastor as a memorial after a mine explosion in nearby Monongah had killed 361 men the previous winter. Another explanation for the service was Mothers' Day, which had been celebrated for the first time two months prior in Grafton, a town that was 15 miles away. 

An alternative claim for the inventor of Father's Day is the president of the Chicago branch of the Lions' Club, Harry Meek. He is said to have celebrated the first Father's Day with his organization in 1915; and the day that they chose was the third Sunday in June, which was the closest Sunday to Meek's birthday.


A key figure in the establishment of Father's Day was Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd, whose father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, as a single parent reared his six children. Mrs. Dodd initially suggested June 5th, the anniversary of her father's death as a date for Father's Day. It is claimed she did not provide the organizers with enough time to make the arrangements, and thus the celebration was put back to the third Sunday of June.

The first Father's Day in June was celebrated on June 19th 1910, in Spokane, WA. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge recommended the day as a national holiday.

President Lyndon Johnson made Father's Day a holiday to be celebrated on the third Sunday of June in 1966, though the day was not officially recognised until 1972, during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

When I scratched my knee,

Or if I bumped my head.

When I was afraid of the dark,

Or that thing under my bed.

When I cried in the night,                         

Or even in the day.                            

You were there for me,

To make it all okay.  

Let’s sing!


Let’s watch!


czwartek, 31 marca 2022


Attention all the pranksters in the world! 

 The one day in the year that you have permission to fool your friends and families is today. 

Although April Fools’ Day is not a public holiday in any country, it has been celebrated globally. 

The holiday's roots are a bit fuzzy. Some say it started as a way to mark a changing season. Others say it's tied to     a calendar shift in France in the 1500s that moved New Year's Day from the end of March to Jan. 1 — "fooling" some who stuck to the original calendar.

April Fool's Vocabulary:

April – kwiecień

fool – głupiec

laugh – śmiech

silly – głupi

hilarious - prześmieszny

jokes – żarty

trick – sztuczka

surprise – niespodzianka

funny – śmieszny

giggle – chichotać

spoof story – fałszywa historia, parodia

play a joke on someone  - żartować z kogoś

gullible - łatwowierny