czwartek, 31 marca 2022


Attention all the pranksters in the world! 

 The one day in the year that you have permission to fool your friends and families is today. 

Although April Fools’ Day is not a public holiday in any country, it has been celebrated globally. 

The holiday's roots are a bit fuzzy. Some say it started as a way to mark a changing season. Others say it's tied to     a calendar shift in France in the 1500s that moved New Year's Day from the end of March to Jan. 1 — "fooling" some who stuck to the original calendar.

April Fool's Vocabulary:

April – kwiecień

fool – głupiec

laugh – śmiech

silly – głupi

hilarious - prześmieszny

jokes – żarty

trick – sztuczka

surprise – niespodzianka

funny – śmieszny

giggle – chichotać

spoof story – fałszywa historia, parodia

play a joke on someone  - żartować z kogoś

gullible - łatwowierny